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Payzoff Payment gateway combines network of acquiring banks across the globe, so can provide credit and debit card processing for many industries - from low risk to high risk. Though a single integration our platform thrive to provide cutting-edge technology that meet all merchants business requirements, since your success - our success.
In countries around the world, local payment methods vary. Customers may opt to use online bank transfers, cash, prepaid cards, eWallets and mobile payments over standard credit card transactions. Popular payment methods vary widely in different countries, like Alipay in China, Boleto in Brazil, IDEAL in the Netherlands, and Sofort in Europe. Payzoff supports all of these payments, plus many more.
Make cross-border bank transfers through our global payout solution in local currencies to help your business reach new markets and reduce the cost of international bank transfers significantly.
We provide CFT payout solution directly to your client’s credit cards for enhanced customer loyalty and to ensure regulation is fulfilled. In a few simple steps – you can send the winnings to the client – without the need of getting bank account details – and processing bank wires.
Without local payment methods you are losing around 80% of business in Latin America. With our solution you can sell cross border and receive the funds in USD or EUR in your country for the best conversion rates without having a local company in Latin America.
Without local payment methods you are losing around 80% of business in Latin America. With our solution you can sell cross border and receive the funds in USD or EUR in your country for the best conversion rates without having a local company in Latin America.